The following principles have been formulated to provide guidance in the implementation of USPF Programs and Projects:

  • Co-location/Infrastructure Sharing: It shall be obligatory for operators/service providers to share all infrastructure supported by the USPF with other operators/service providers at reasonable prices.
  • Social Inclusion: USPF programmes and projects shall be designed and implemented in a manner which ensures equitable and sustainable access to ICT services by vulnerable groups and disadvantaged interests i.e. the elderly, people living with disability, women and children in the community.
  • Geographic Coverage: USPF programmes and projects shall be developed in all states of the federation in order to provide sustainable ICT access and connectivity to unserved, underserved areas and communities and groups.
  • Promote Private Sector Investment: USPF programmes and projects shall stimulate increased private sector investments in unserved and underserved areas.
  • Encourage Competition: USPF programmes and projects will encourage competition between operators by using transparent and competitive mechanisms to allocate USPF financing and subsidies.
  • Promote Consumer Interest: USPF programmes and projects will promote consumer interest by facilitating access to affordable, readily available and reliable ICT services.
  • Sustainability: USPF will give priority to programmes and projects that are self-sustaining and do not require subsidies on a continuous basis.
  • Local Content: give preference to competent indigenous facilities and service providers.
  • Foster Economic and Social Development: USPF programmes and projects will stimulate productive use of ICTs for economic, social and cultural development.
  • Consultation, Transparency and Accountability: USPF will develop and periodically update its programmes and projects through continuous public consultations with key stakeholders.
  • Quality of Service: USPF will enforce compliance with quality of service standards with respect to its projects.
  • Technology Neutrality: USPF programmes and projects will be technology neutral and allow the market to define the best technology solutions.