USPF, in partnership with local entrepreneurs and community-based organizations will facilitate the establishment of Community Resource Centres (CRC).  The aim is to extend voice, internet and ICT training and other e-services to unserved communities on shared basis and bridge the digital divide in the communities.

The centres are fully equipped with desktop computers, furniture, telephone, power generator, and bandwidth to provide access to telephone, internet, ICT and e-initiatives at semi-urban and rural un-served and under-served areas.

The CRCs will also serve as support centres for the following projects in order to ensure inclusion of unserved and underserved target communities:

  • ICT Innovation Hubs
  • E-Health support Centres
  • E-Agriculture Centres
  • E-Government
  • E-Commerce

The objective of the CRC project is to promote the adoption of ICT at community level for social and economic development. The CRC offerings include, but not limited to conflict and disaster warning and management, improving farmers' access to markets, information centre for community development mobilization, small scale businesses, e-agric, and community health.

Service Model:

This project is funded through grants. The local entrepreneurs and companies are selected through open competitive bidding to establish the CRCs. The grant is provided for capex and initial one year opex. Additional support is thereafter provided in terms of bandwidth provision for the first five (5) years of operation.


CRC serves as one-stop shop for access to good quality ICT services at fair and affordable rates. Other benefits are:

  • Employment generation
  • Reduction of rural to urban population drift by bridging the urban-rural access gap
  • Empowerment through easier access to Information on markets and e-commerce, weather, global trends, public health, e-agriculture, government services, security, banking and micro-financing, etc
  • Improved socio-economic development through more efficient and less expensive service delivery
  • Supports self development and distance learning
  • Increases ICT skills

CRCSouth EastOhafiaOhafiaAbia
CRCSouth EastUmudikeUmudikeAbia
CRCNorth EastDemsaDemsaAdamawa
CRCSouth SouthAbakAbakAkwa Ibom
CRCSouth SouthAkpanpanAkpanpanAkwa Ibom
CRCSouth SouthNung UdoeIbesikpo AsutanAkwa Ibom
CRCSouth SouthIkot EkpeneIkot EkpeneAkwa Ibom
CRCSouth SouthOronOronAkwa Ibom
CRCSouth EastOrafiteEkwusigoAnambra
CRCSouth EastOgbaruOgbaruAnambra
CRCNorth EastAzareAzareBauchi
CRCNorth EastKatagumKatagumBauchi
CRCNorth EastToroToroBauchi
CRCNorth EastWarjiWarjiBauchi
CRCNorth EastYanaYanaBauchi
CRCSouth SouthNembeNembeBayelsa
CRCSouth SouthYenagoaYenagoaBayelsa
CRCSouth SouthEkoreEkoreCross River
CRCSouth SouthItigidiItigidiCross River
CRCSouth SouthObudu Cattle RanchObuduCross River
CRCSouth EastIkwoIkwoEbonyi
CRCSouth SouthAfuzeAfuzeEdo
CRCSouth SouthEgorEgorEdo
CRCSouth SouthEkpoma WestEkpoma WestEdo
CRCSouth SouthAuchiEtsako WestEdo
CRCSouth SouthIrruaIrruaEdo
CRCSouth SouthOkadaOkadaEdo
CRCSouth WestEmureEmureEkiti
CRCSouth EastUkanaAnimriEnugu
CRCSouth EastIshi-OzallaNkanu WestEnugu
CRCNorth EastBajogaBajogaGombe
CRCNorth EastBilliriBilliriGombe
CRCNorth EastDebaDebaGombe
CRCNorth EastKumoKumoGombe
CRCNorth EastKumoKumoGombe
CRCNorth WestBirnin KuduBirnin KuduJigawa
CRCNorth WestGumelGumelJigawa
CRCNorth WestHadejiaHadejiaJigawa
CRCNorth WestKazaureKazaureJigawa
CRCNorth WestKiyawaKiyawaJigawa
CRCNorth WestMallam-MadoriMallam-MadoriJigawa
CRCNorth WestGiwa TadanfangiGiwa TadanfangiKaduna
CRCNorth WestKwoiKwoiKaduna
CRCNorth WestTarauniTarauniKano
CRCNorth WestKankiaKankiaKatsina
CRCNorth WestMalumfashiMalumfashiKatsina
CRCNorth WestAlieroAlieroKebbi
CRCNorth WestDakingariDakingariKebbi
CRCNorth WestGwanduGwanduKebbi
CRCNorth WestYauriYauriKebbi
CRCNorth WestZuruZuruKebbi
CRCNorth CentralAdankoloAdankoloKogi
CRCNorth CentralAnyingbaAnyingbaKogi
CRCNorth CentralIyaraIjumuKogi
CRCNorth CentralOduluOduluKogi
CRCNorth CentralOkeneOkeneKogi
CRCNorth CentralOroEduKwara
CRCNorth CentralMaleteMaleteKwara
CRCNorth CentralOke-OyiOke-OyiKwara
CRCNorth CentralOlojeOlojeKwara
CRCSouth WestOkokomaiko-OjoOkokomaiko-OjoLagos
CRCSouth WestPoka EpePoka EpeLagos
CRCSouth WestSabo, YabaSabo, Yaba LcdaLagos
CRCNorth CentralKaruKaruNasarawa
CRCNorth CentralKeffiKeffiNasarawa
CRCNorth CentralNasarawaNasarawaNasarawa
CRCNorth CentralLapaiLapaiNiger
CRCNorth CentralLavunLavunNiger
CRCNorth CentralRijauRijauNiger
CRCSouth WestAiyetoroAiyetoroOgun
CRCSouth WestIjebu IgboIjebu WestOgun
CRCSouth WestOrta IlaroIpokiaOgun
CRCSouth WestIsaboIsaboOgun
CRCSouth WestOsieleShagamuOgun
CRCSouth WestAkinmoorinAfijioOyo
CRCSouth WestAgbowoAgbowoOyo
CRCSouth WestOkuntemo OyoOkuntemo OyoOyo
CRCSouth SouthDegemaDegemaRivers
CRCSouth SouthEtcheEtcheRivers
CRCSouth SouthBori TownKhanaRivers
CRCNorth WestBodinga (Sifawa)Bodinga (Sifawa)Sokoto
CRCNorth WestDangeDange ShuniSokoto
CRCNorth WestIllelaIllelaSokoto
CRCNorth WestKwareKwareSokoto
CRCNorth WestWammakoWammakoSokoto
CRCNorth WestWurnoWurnoSokoto
CRCNorth EastBaliBaliTaraba
CRCNorth EastWukariWukariTaraba
CRCNorth EastDamagunDamagunYobe
CRCNorth EastDamaturuDamaturuYobe
CRCNorth EastPotiskumFikaYobe
CRCNorth EastGashuaGashuaYobe
CRCNorth EastNguruNguruYobe